Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Of the goals I set out for this Tadoku, I only met my overall pages goal. I barely touched アイアン・サンライズ, and only read one novel. However, I still landed 5th place, with over 1200 pages read in 2 weeks. The majority of which come from playing リトルバスターズ, which I finally completed up through Refrain (after the contest ended, otherwise I may well have won this round.)

Overall, what I read this round:

- 涼宮ハルヒの消失 (Complete)
- とらドラ (Barely scratched the surface)
- リトルバスターズEX (鈴's route + the first half of Refrain)
- とある科学の超電磁砲 2-5 (Complete)

Not exactly satisfied, but what can you do.
